Working in Norway – NAV Benefits
If you have been working in Norway for six months out of the last 10 these are a summary of benefits you are entitled, Links are included which you will get much more information on benefits.
The information is accurate at time of writing but please check on the links as Nav will have correct up to date information, Also Nav has a Facebook site that is very useful around family related benefits where they answer questions in real time.
- If you have a child, a, you are entitled to parental benefits.
Be aware there are added complications in the application when your Partner is not already registered in the Norwegian system this can cause added delays in acceptance of Norwegian Parental benefits.
- There is a set period set aside for the Mother and Father and a shared period, To attain the period your Partner has to be back in work a set percentage or currently attending an educational course.
- Workers with offshore schedules can use parental leave in there off period, in effect double salary, paid from employer for offshore period and take parental leave in leisure period.
- Child benefit is a monthly pay if you have kids under the age of 18. This is for the moment 1 054,- NOK per child. You can find more information and apply on this link
- For non-residents this is paid as a top up, Nav contact UK authorities to get confirmation of UK contributions, calculate the top up to Norwegian allowance and pay monthly.
- Cash for Care Benefit, This is payable when your child turns 1 until 2, there is different age regulations when adopting. The money is payable if the child and parent remain at home. Or if you are paying for Private nursery.